So you have to avoid crowded places & sick people because you're like some weak af human being BUT FEAR NOT, you can still do things like watch movies, shop & eat, because I've found the greatest places that for some reason have like no people RIP.
Isolated beach
Look out
Art gallery
Museum on a week day
Antique store
Costco on a week day
TK MAXX is quite spacious and you can get some branded discounts!
Warringah Westfield is huuuuge and has so many things but for some reason it is EMPTY! The architecture is amazing - half indoor & outdoor PLUS there's a cinema woohoo
Speaking of cinemas, they're pretty empty any day at a session 9PM or later WOO
NSW Art Gallery & MCA
Golden Wheel Chinese Restaurant Eastwood - this place is probably the og of all restaurants in eastwood but it is tragically empty! The food is not bad, it's just been overshadowed by newer and more exciting fusion places RIP but try it out!
Soda Factory on a week night or an eventless night is gr9999
Collaroy is a pretty empty beach if you wanna chill there PLUS there are the BEST PIES from this little shop called The Upper Crust - I RATE HIGHLY!!