Struggling to get alone time? I feel ya.
The overwhelming amount of attention might start to irritate/annoy you when you're a teen and just want some SPACE.
*sneezes* - "Are you cold?"
*blows noses* - "What's wrong?"
Sound familiar?
So we're already stuck in hospital or at home with parents 24/7, but ofcourse their love is unconditional, and they can't help but to constantly check up on us. Don't get me wrong, some love is always nice, but sometimes we need space to regather our thoughts our to simply CHILL.
To parents, have trust in us and know that what we're doing in our spare time is safe and maybe even somewhat productive! We are teens and yes, we are angsty at times.... if you happen to be around us all the time, then we struggle to truly express our emotions! For example, there would be times in treatment, when I felt like crying. It sounds weird, but I wasn't sad - I just had a strange urge to release some tears. I guess, the constant surrounding of my parents made me emotionally numb, having the pressure to always keep a brave face. As a remedy, I would watch a sappy romantic movie in hopes that it would allow me to feel.
On a side note, I'm quite a positive and energetic person, so throughout the diagnosing process and treatment, I felt odd, because I didn't actually have any negative thoughts or tears, as though everything hadn't clicked yet. I therefore wanted to feel a "normal" variety of emotions, which inherently includes fear, sadness, anger ( just like all the ones from 'Inside Out' - a great movie by the way), because I was receiving a high enough dose of joy (from my personality) and disgust (from chemo-changed taste buds).
However, what I found annoying was that every time I'd have the slightest sniffle, my mom would immediately enter the room, turn on the lights and ask if I was OK. Then, she would question why I was watching a sad movie, and encourage me to watch a comedy as an alternative. It seems like a minuscule and silly thing to get annoyed at #firstworldproblems but it really was pestering at times!
Then, there was my dad. Unlike my mom, he wouldn't mind what films I watched (with the exception of horror) but instead, he would sit down and watch WITH me. Yes, that's fine if it's an action movie or one we chose together. BUT, if I'm watching a movie by myself, the chances are, it's a sappy romance or a cringey teen movie where there are awkward/crude scenes. I'd rather not watch that with any parent, thanks!
Anyways, the key thing to take away from this parents, is that your child needs space and doesn't need you constantly on their back watching their every movement. We get that you'r concerned and love us, but maybe be more subtle about it?
Big brother is bad, and big brother freaks people out, so please don't be big brother.